Wednesday, January 29, 2020

cloudy days

"If the sun was still out now, we would be seeing it." A weatherman just made that statement at 11:15pm on an evening newscast.  Really?  I know he was commenting on the seemingly long stretch of cloudy days and the wish for a sunny day that I share with a good many other people around here and the possibility of a little bit of sunshine tomorrow but the comment made me laugh.  It reminded me of something said at a walk-a-thon my husband and I participated in many years ago.  I forget what 'good cause' we were walking for but the idea was to keep someone walking on the track at a middle school for 24 hours.  It had been very hot and sunny during the day but our team of ten kept taking turns and walking.  After the sun went down we were all much more comfortable.  In fact one man commented, as he came off the track, that it was "like the difference between noght and day out there."  Then he stopped, thought about what he had jsut said and continued "Huh, I wonder if that's where that saying comes from?"  

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