Sunday, January 12, 2020

hot tea

Today is "National Hot Tea Day" and this is a day I have been celebrating without even knowing it.  Since I am a tea drinker I think this is a fine idea for a special day.  Every morning I brew a pot of tea in my Mr. Coffee and have tea to drink all day either hot or iced depending on the season. (I actually used to have a Mrs. Tea but it got broken.)  I have lots of happy tea memories.  My grandchildren still love tea with milk and sugar the way I have fixed it for them for years.  Once, at Dukes Hotel in London a friend and I arrived a little too early for check-in so the very nice receptionist led us into a charming little parlor and served us tea and biscuits while we waited for our room to be ready.  A few years later, in New Zealand, at a hotel breakfast, I commented to a waitress about how nice it was to have hot brewed tea available for breakfast.  She looked a me like I was crazy until I explained to her that at most US restaurants hot tea was served as a teabag and a cup or little pot of hot water,  She was appalled.  
But that's enough about tea.  If your not a tea lover don't despair.  Tomorrow is "National Rubber Duckie Day" so have a bubble bath and play with your rubber duckie.  You can even hum the rubber duckie song all day.  You're thinking it right now, aren't you?

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