Thursday, January 2, 2020

Shopping Spree

Every year I take each of my grandkids out for a day of lunch and shopping as my Christmas gift to them.  I give them some cash (that has gne up over the years) and they may choose where we lunch and where we shop.  These choices have evolved over the years from Chucky Cheese to today's lunch at Chili's.  Today was my youngest Granddaughter's day.  She has been first every year to schedule her day.  She's 15 and she chose Chili's for lunch and the mall for shopping.  We reminisced as we walked around the mall and passed stores from years past.  We don't shop at Build a Bear any more and Justice is part of a more recent past. Claire's got a nod but most of the shopping today was done in a new (to me) clothing store called Garage.  I kid you not, the name is Garage.  I guess that's so they can always have garage sales?? She bought tops and tights and jeans (with holes of course) and seemed very pleased with what she got for the price.  The very best thing about Garage is the comfy sofa they have positioned near the check-out counter.  I was only too happy to enjoy it while she tried things on.  We also wandered through Victoria's Secret (the PINK section), and Forever 21.  How times change.  We had a great time but I kind of miss Build a Bear.

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