Wednesday, September 2, 2020

a creative day

 Today is Bison-Ten-Yell Day.  When I received this information from my west coast brother this morning I assumed it had something to do with an ancient Native American ritual.  Maybe, long, long ago ten bison were running into a village and the women (the men were out hunting) yelled at the bison until they ran away.  Maybe they chased them over a cliff, starting that method of hunting.  But no, that's not what it means at all.  bison-ten-yell said quickly is bicentennial and today is a day to celebrate the 200th anniversary of your favorite imaginary animal.  I have two, the Hodag, a monstrous assembled creature which fooled naturalists for a while and which I first learned about on a trip to Wisconsin, and the Jackalope, a mythical creature of the great southwest.  It looks like a large jackrabbit with antlers.  So what's your favorite mythical creature? I'm sure you have one.  

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