Friday, September 11, 2020

Days to remember

 There are two historic days that are sealed in my memory.  It's true I think that there are some events that are so world shaking that you always remember where you were when the event happened.  For me it's John Kennedy's assassination and 9-11.  I was working in the basement storage area of the library at Ball State when my boss came hurrying down stairs to tell me that Kennedy had been shot.  My first reaction was incredulity.  Such a thing simply couldn't happen in the United States.  On 9-11 I was rushing around getting ready to go to work when my husband, who was watching the morning news in the family room, said "Come in here, something is happening."  To which I responded "I can't. I've got to get to work."  But he insisted and finally I went in to see what was going on, just in time to see the second plane hit the twin towers.  My first reaction was the assumption that it must be a terrible accident.  Terrorist attacks just don't happen in the United States.  Needless to say, I was very late to work that day, and I might as well have stayed home.  Everyone was glued to TV screens or radios.  This year's big event, the Pandemic, while every bit as devastating. just kind of happened.  I can't point to a particular moment when it started.  The whole year gets the credit. I will always remember 2020.  

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