Wednesday, September 16, 2020

glad to be a Hoosier

 According to my west coast brother today is National Stay Away from Seattle Day.  Considering the smoke hanging over the entire west coast that seems like a really good idea to me.  My brother, same brother, lives in Spokane way across the mountains from Seattle on the eastern edge of Washington state and the smoke is so thick around there that he described it this morning like this "Picture the foggiest, smokiest camp ground you ever woke up in.  It's like that but it goes 300 miles in every direction." he went on to say that the city has opened "cleaner air" shelters, schools are calling smoke days, garbage pickups are postponed and masks are definitely doing double duty.  Hearing that plus reports of flooding in the gulf states makes me more glad than ever that I live right here in not so exciting but oh, so comfortable Indiana.  

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