Friday, September 25, 2020

shoes then and now

 My daughter and I went shoe shopping yesterday.  I wanted a new pair of fall color shoes, brown or tan or black.  How boring is that?  I found the perfect pairs (yes I bought two pairs, one black, one tan) and they are very comfortable and will serve me well, but sometimes I miss the good old days.  Before we were married my soon to be husband and I spent a weekend in New York City.  We had a lovely time, ate at some great restaurants, and did some window shopping.  Sometime on Saturday afternoon he bought me a pair of shoes.  They were wonderful shoes, beautiful teal blue paten leather with three inch heels, a thin strap and pointy toes.  It was the style.  They were wonderful and I wore them when we went out that evening.  By the end of the evening my feet were killing me, but they looked great and that's all that mattered.  There have been other memorable shoes in my life - strappy red sandals and an amazing pair of platform shoes with four inch heels and some lovely pink on pink heels that matched the pink suit I wore for a job interview..... to be continued.

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