Monday, September 14, 2020

Testing 1, 2, 3

 This morning I continued my annual wellness checkup with three diagnostic tests.  The very good part of this experience was that all three tests are done in the same building that houses my doctor's office, very convenient. The first test was just a quick stab and the drawing of a little blood.  No problem except that I had been fasting since last night and was feeling a little caffeine deprived.  The second test was a dexa scan, my favorite test.  I just recline on an admittedly very hard table while a scanner zips back and forth above me checking my bone density.  They carefully avoid my bionic hip because that would really skew their results.  Finally, the last, and my least favorite test, the dreaded mammogram.  Just in case it wasn't uncomfortable enough before, they added two new steps to the process since the last time I had one.  First of all, because of Covid precautions I'm sure, when I assumed the position my face was twisted sideways and smashed up against a plexiglass shield. The other surprise was that they can now do 3D mammograms which means twice as many pictures taken from top to bottom as well as side to side. Ouch, ouch and ouch.  

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