Tuesday, September 22, 2020

I don't mean to seem ungrateful but....

 What do you do with pictures that people send you?  I mean the real, printed on photo paper, glossy prints.  It's easy to deal with pictures on Facebook.  You can enjoy them for a while and then they go away.  I also find it easy to deal with pictures I take on trips.  Either they're on my phone and live in 'the cloud' somewhere or I take them with my camera and save the little memory cards.  From there I can look at them on my computer or even run a little slide show on my TV.  I don't do this very often, probably as often as some people pull out their albums and look at them.  In the meantime they only take up a little space in my desk drawer, and someday, when I die, my children can easily throw them away.  But back to my original question,  I know that the obvious answer is, if I receive pictures that I don't particularly care to save (for instance the picture of a cake that I received today) I should just throw them away.  But somehow I feel guilty about pitching something that someone has taken the time to mail to me.  So I do what seems natural to me.  I stuff the gift pictures in little cubby holes and drawers in my desk and let them mature there.  Then, and this is a little like leftovers in the refrigerator, a year or so from now, when I'm searching for something, I'll come upon a picture, wonder why I kept it, and then I can throw it away.

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