Wednesday, September 30, 2020

It Wasn't my imagination.

 I always suspect that when I take my car in for an oil change and mention that there might be another problem, the mechanics look at me and wonder.  Is this for real or is this old lady imagining things?  For example, yesterday I took my car in for a basic oil change and mentioned that I thought there might be a problem with my brakes.  It was hard to explain, but sometimes, when I step on the brakes  they stutter before they stop.  Little hesitations.  This didn't happen frequently but it did happen often enough to be a concern.  They checked and discovered that the right rear caliper needs to be replaced.  Turns out that break was sticking, causing the unusual wear.  Happily, the mechanic agreed with me that that really shouldn't have happened on a car with only 23,000 miles on it.  So he contacted the company, explained the situation, and even though I'm out of warranty, they will cover most of the cost of repairs.  Thank you, Fiat.  Of course, because I'm just a little suspicious, when I got home I googled the cost of replacing a caliper and their estimate was just what the mechanic told me.  So it's all good or will be when the parts come in.

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