Thursday, September 10, 2020

I'm back

 For the last four days a friend has been visiting with me, actually staying over night in my apartment.  My first overnight guests since early March.  We were careful.  I kept the windows open as much as possible for lots of fresh air circulation.  We sat at least six feet apart and spent a lot of time on the balcony.   Another friend visited during the days and all of us wore masks when we went out.  We ate at outdoor restaurants which was fine except it was really chilly on The Deck yesterday.  All in all I could almost convince myself that things were nearly back to normal.  Almost, but not quite.  I just found out this evening that my daughter was exposed to Covid at work two days ago and has to self-quarantine until the 22nd.  She feels fine but still it is a reminder that things are not back to "normal."  Be careful out there.

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