Tuesday, September 1, 2020

At last!!!

 I live on the tenth floor of a 55 year old apartment building.  It's a very solid building but some of its systems are getting a bit worn.  For instance the elevators.  We have three. I have never been trapped in one but I have experienced some unexpected rides (up when I push down or the reverse, stops on floors where only ghosts get on and doors that are reluctant to open, not to mention very slow response times). You get the idea.  For the last several months (it's not a speedy process) a crew has been working to replace the first of our three elevators. and today, joy of joys, our new elevator was working for the first day.  It happened to be laundry day for me which means six elevator rides,  three down, three up.  I rode down the first time in one of the old elevators because I didn't know til I got to the ground floor that the new elevator was ready to ride.  A group of workers were admiring their work and assured me it was good to go. I took the next five rides on the new elevator and it was wonderful.  It came when I pushed the button, it was light and bright inside, it pings at every floor and said "tenth floor" when I got there. I know I'm easily entertained but believe me this elevator is a treat to ride.  And better yet, they were starting work on the second one this morning.  

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