Wednesday, March 23, 2022


 Today is Cuddly Kitten Day and also Puppy Day.  According to my Trivia calendar Puppy Day was started in 2006 and is an unofficial holiday.  I'm not sure what makes a holiday unofficial but there are a lot of dog lovers out there so it must be a popular day.  Maybe to be official there have to be greeting cards.  I do not know the history of Cuddly Kitten Day but it sounds adorable.  Lucky for me, I have grand pets available when I feel the urge to cuddle a puppy or kitten.  Of course the grand puppies, there are three of them, each weighs over 70 pounds.  They are thrilled to cuddle but it is an overwhelming experience. The grand kitten (who is still under a year old so she really is a kitten) recently had to have almost all of her teeth extracted because of a rare infection, so she is feeling less that cuddly.  Maybe she will be ready to celebrate Cuddly Kitten Day next year.

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