Saturday, March 19, 2022

drumroll please...

 I went to the Philharmonic this evening and it was an excellent show.  The first half included a double timpani concerto by Oliverio,  I have never seen dueling timpanists during a symphony before but it was certainly fun to have them at the front of the stage and be able to watch.  Each of the timpanists had five big kettle drums and they were making music on those drums.  The second half of the program was Symphony Number 5 in D minor, Op. 47 by Shostakovich (spell that six times fast).  I enjoyed the first half but thought the Shostakovich symphony was much better.  My go with guy said I was wrong.  We agreed to disagree. On a much sillier note, the name Shostakovich reminds me of a riddle my west coast brother sent me.  What's made of leather and sounds like a sneeze?

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