Thursday, March 10, 2022

Happy Birthday Mom

 Today, March 10 is my Mother's birthday.  She was born in 1910.  She died of cancer when she was only 56, much too young, but while she lived she was awesome.  So it seems very appropriate that today is the "International Day of Awesomeness."  During her life time my mom was a nail tech, a hair stylist, a buyer for a major department store, and a teacher.  She was in training at Johns Hopkins to become a nurse when she met and married my father in 1943.  At that time you couldn't be a nurse and be married so she gave up that career dream.  Along the way, she learned to fly a plane and drove a professor and his wife all around the western US on a summer long vacation.  I grew up thinking that my mom could do anything and I'm pretty sure I was right.  

Additionally, today is "Middle Name Pride Day."  As it happens my middle name is LaVerne as was my mother's.  My mother's first name was Laura, same as her mother, so she was always called LaVerne, or usually Verne.  I was never called LaVerne, but I've always been quietly proud to have her middle name.  Thanks mom, and happy birthday.

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