Wednesday, March 2, 2022

sparkle ashes

 So I went to the Ash Wednesday service at our church, because I felt I should, still wondering if I really wanted to.  But I must say it was the most upbeat Ash Wednesday service I have ever attended.  Much of that was thanks to our head pastor's sermon which put a heavy emphasis on the life we live now vs worrying about death and salvation.  Of course she said it much more eloquently.  But the real boost to my spirits came with the "Imposition of Ashes" which sounds rather ominous.  Before going forward to get our ashes we were told that we could chose regular ashes or sparkle ashes.  I chose the sparkle ashes and was delighted when instead of the usual "for from dust you came and to dust you shall return" as you get your ashes, our associated pastor said "from stardust you came and to stardust you shall return" which seems much more positive to me. And in a silly fun end to the evening, I rode up in the elevator with a young man who had just come from the service at Trinity Episcopal.  He said my ashes were 'way cooler' than his.  I know it's not a competition but, hey, the Presbyterians won this round.

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