Monday, March 28, 2022

every five years

 Every five years my high school class gathers for a reunion.  This is the year for our big 60.  Yes, I know that makes me, gasp, old!  But, on the plus side, I am one of the youngest members of my class, 77 to everyone else's 78.  Also, the tallest woman in the class, which bothered me a lot in high school but not any more.  No matter what else I become, I will never be a little old lady. I'm not quite sure how it happened but over the years I (one of the shyest kids ever back in the day) have become accidental treasurer and perpetual part of the planning committee for these events.  This evening I took the plunge and sent out a first email to my classmates to see what they want to do.  I'm hoping that they all agree to a simple supper like we did five years ago.  Especially if we can hold it at Hall's Gas House like we did the last time.  It was extremely effective price wise and right across the street from where I live.  Hey, there have to be some perks to doing the planning. 

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