Monday, December 5, 2022

a scary situation...

 Tonight is Krampusnacht.  In case you're wondering, the Krampus, which means claw, is, according to German tradition, a monster/devil who roams around checking to see if little children are being good at Christmas time and all year long.  There's a really scary picture on Google.  

But thinking of scary things, my husband, who was very handy around the house and always ready to fix electrical and appliance problems, really loathed plumbing issues.  He said no matter what the problem seemed to be on the surface, it would always turn out to be ten times worse.  That seems to be proving true in my apartment.  For some time now I have reported that the faucet in my shower is dripping.  Two weeks ago our maintenance guy stopped buy to fix two plumbing problems.  One, a leaky water line to the toilet was quickly fixed but he said he would have to go get some parts to fix the drip in the shower, which probably just needs a new washer.  I wasn't too upset when he never returned.  It's an old building, with lots of necessary upkeep, and a little drip isn't an emergency.  Finally though I got impatient and called the office, twice.  The same maintenance man showed up today.  After working on the faucet for quite some time (three hours) he decided there's more of a problem than he first thought. He's going to bring another maintenance man back with him tomorrow and together they will cut a hole in the hallway wall to access the pipes and then replace everything that needs replacing.  Meanwhile there is a hole in my shower wall and the water to that shower is turned off.  Lucky for me I do have a second bathroom.  But, my husband's wisdom seems to have proved true again.  Plumbing, bah, humbug!

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