Tuesday, December 6, 2022

How much???

 Today I took a friend to her final class in a series of four she has taken  over the last six months.  These classes, sponsored by Parkview are called VeggieRX and when people who qualify successfully complete the classes they get credits to use at farmer's markets and other sites to buy fruit and vegetables.  This is a great program for people on a limited income.  Since I was there as my friend's guest today, I got to help fix some of the food for a healthy lunch I wasn't expecting.  A free lunch is always good.  My friend and I opted to make an artichoke dip, and I got to play with a food processor/pulser for the first time ever.  The only appliance like that that I own is a blender, and it is avocado green which will give you some idea of it's age.  Along with the lunch (everything was very tasty) there was a brief educational talk and one thing that was stressed over and over was that a healthy diet should include three cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit every day.  Now I do make it a point to eat fruits and vegetables every day but five cups?? I don't think so.  After I dropped my friend off, I came home and pondered all this while I had a cookie.  It was an apple cinnamon cookie.  Does that count?

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