Friday, December 30, 2022

Procrastination again?


And speaking of putting things off, I certainly understand why much mail didn't get delivered before Christmas.  I'm happy to blame it on deep snow and subzero temperatures.  I must also admit that when letters are mailed on the 23rd the likelihood of them not being delivered before the 25th is not all the fault of the post office.  So here, for those who haven't received this year's Christmas greeting from me (or have fallen behind in opening your mail) is my holiday greeting by blog.

Still Acting Out

By Luci Foltz

 I’ve had fun playing in 2022,

first as the gender non-specific marriage counselor Leslie in “Sylvia”

(“I may be a man pretending to be a woman,

or I may be a woman pretending to be a man.  I let my patients decide.”)

and then as the over-the-hill drunken actress Gay Wellington in

“You Can’t Take It with You.” (“When I see snakes, I know it’s time to lie down.”) 

I spent half of that show ‘passed out’ on the couch,

Such an easy role.

Now I am playing a ‘church lady’ (talk about type casting)

in “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.”

When I wasn’t playing make believe,

I finally, finally got to travel, a glorious Rhine River cruise.

Beautiful scenery, cathedrals and castles, and fabulous food.

Later in the year a lovely driving trip to Michigan,

and a gathering with long-time friends in Woodburn

to celebrate our (gasp) 60th high school reunion.

And here’s a shocker.  My much-too-young children and their spouses

are now empty nesters,

(well, except for the dogs and the cat)

while my grands experience college, careers, travel, and new loves.

Was there sadness this year? Yes.

A dear friend died, and another is living in the cloud land of dementia.

Grief indeed.


            May God hold you close during this busy time and always,

            comfort and console you when such support is needed,

            and cheer you on as you live your life to the fullest. 


                        Happy New Year, 2023.


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