Saturday, December 3, 2022

a special day???

 Today, according to my west coast brother, is National Green Bean Casserole Day.  I'm not sure why we should be celebrating this more than a week after Thanksgiving, (are people still eating leftover green bean casserole?) or anytime for that matter.  In our family green bean casserole is a part of Christmas dinner and Thanksgiving dinner, and that's all.  For years, until his death in 2019, my other brother was the undisputed master of and provider of the green bean casserole for our family festive occasions.  His was very good because he added lots of melted cheese to the mix.  But I must admit, this is not something I crave.  Unlike apple pie, which I will happily eat any time of the year (today is also National Apple Pie Day) I never say to myself "I think I'll make green bean casserole today."  Do you?  I really prefer nicely cooked (not soggy) green beans with butter and salt and pepper, maybe with slivered almonds for special occasions.  But don't tell my family.  Traditions are good and someone else (not me) has taken over the role of green bean casserole provider.  I shall continue to eat one helping when it's served.  But now that I think about it, I do have an apple pie in the freezer waiting to be baked.  Yummy.

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