Wednesday, December 28, 2022

simple pleasures

 Today was a day of simple pleasures.  It started with doing laundry this morning and realizing, as I took clean clothes out of the washers, that our wonderful new Maytags have lighter colored tubs than the old ones (silver instead of black), making it much easier to find the errant black socks that stick to the side.  Next, as I was getting ready to meet a friend for lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant, I realized that I would need my sunglasses.  Hooray for sunshine!! I was so inspired that, after a delicious meal, I filled my car with gas and went grocery shopping. Alas, no fruitcake, but we must all bear up under some disappointments.  Finally I went to my appointment with my hair stylist and was able to use my daughter's very generous gift card to pay for the haircut.  Merry Christmas to me.  Now I am relaxing at home, watching a show about kindness, remembering what a good day it has been and celebrating with a yummy piece of fair trade chocolate, which allows me to feel virtuous while celebrating "National Chocolate Candy Day."  

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