Monday, December 19, 2022

restaurant review

Sometimes, when I'm in a restaurant, I order some dish (usually a main course), thinking that I know what it will taste like.  When it arrives, it may taste very good but still be not quite what I was hoping for.  You've probably had a similar experience, good but just not quite right.  Well I'm happy to report that this evening I was not disappointed.  Some of my family took me out for a delayed birthday supper.  If you're keeping track, this was my third birthday meal.  Lucky me. This evening we ate at the Hoppy Gnome, and instead of my usual tacos I ordered Chicken and Dumplings, one of several new things on the menu since the last time I was there.  It was a chilly evening and that sounded like the ultimate comfort food to me.  My dear Aunt Dora was a master maker of chicken and dumplings, so I have fond memories of the dish.  I am so happy to report that this dish did not disappoint.  It was delicious, and very filling and tasted just right.  Half of it is waiting in my refrigerator for tomorrow evening's supper.  Oh, yum.

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