Sunday, May 24, 2015

Feeling overwhelmed

I've mentioned before that I am beginning the process of selling my house, I've contracted for quite a bit of work to fix it up, especially the outside, and had lots of trash hauled out of the garages.  The next big step is to arrange for an estate sale.  Why should I let my kids have all the fun after I'm dead? I'm finding myself a little overwhelmed though as I wander from room to room looking at stuff and thinking what can I live without? what will my children want? what must I keep for now? and more to the point why is some of this stuff still here? Some things are pretty easy though.  There are boxes carefully stacked on shelves in the downstairs basement that I'm pretty sure haven't been opened in 30 years, not to mention an amazing collection of antique spiderwebs.  The estate sale people have assured me that just about anything will sell (including old pvc pipe and pieces of plywood) but not spider webs. So I guess I know where I'll be starting this week.  Anyone want a collection of Scientific American magazines dating from the 50's?

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