Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Will I really miss it when it's gone?

I've selected a dealer to conduct my estate sale.  At least I've decided who I want to use.  I will contact her tomorrow.  Now I need to decide what to sell and what to keep.  Some things are pretty easy.  I will keep my bed for instance, and most of my bedroom furniture, and I won't have any problem selling some of my exercise equipment and the old piano.  However, I have a lot of stuff that has memories attached. So I think the question is will I still have the memories if I sell the stuff? For example, my husband and I traveled in the southwest several times but do I really need 17 pots and figurines? Perhaps one would do?  Pictures are good, nice and flat; they don't take up much space.  I could even copy bunches onto CDs to give to the kids if I get really organized.  Yikes! There's that pesky word 'organized' again.  I'd better get started.

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