Wednesday, May 20, 2015

just Google it

I continue to be amazed at how much information I can find on Google. Today I wanted a general map of Fort Wayne area zip codes so I googled it and hey presto, within about 10 seconds I had a nifty map to print out; just what I needed. I would never have believed it, even 10 years ago, but more and more I find myself turning to my computer for all kinds of information.  Need a recipe? Google it. Can't spell a word? Google it. Need to find homes for sale or apartments available? Google it. And of course Google will take me right to Wikipedia. Do you remember 20 volume encyclopedias with annual updates? Of course there was a certain pleasure in browsing through an encyclopedia. So much information you didn't even know you wanted to know. I guess I'll always be a book lover at heart.

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