Saturday, May 23, 2015

happy birthday to two granddaughters

We celebrated the birthdays of my son's two girls today.  The scheduling worked out best to have both parties together this year.  The oldest will be an official teenager in two weeks and the younger turned 11 two weeks ago.  It was a really fun time, especially for me, because while we had the party at my house everyone else brought the food and decorations and everything but the cake, which I baked yesterday.  Everything was delicious and everyone seemed to have a good time but what pleased me most was seeing all 4 grandchildren getting along.  Lately, because they are all just hitting those preteen, teen years, their has been some tension among them, but today they seemed to fall into old pairings and enjoyed being together.  Depending on how fast my house sells, this could be our last family party here.  I'm glad it was a happy one.

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