Tuesday, May 19, 2015

more steps toward moving

Well I can forget my dream of living in the Anthony Wayne Bank building condos.  According to my Realtor the only unit available, and the cheapest, is listed at $279,000. There was an error in the MLS, listing a unit there at $141,000.  I used to be pretty good at negotiating real estate deals but I don't think I can talk them down to $141,000.  So I am, as they say, exploring other options.  Still hoping to find something downtown.  In the meantime, this week, I have two people coming to talk to me about having an estate sale, one person coming to give me a bid on some trim painting, workers coming to pour a new slab for the AC, a few new windows on order, and my Realtor coming on Friday to discuss pricing and marketing options.  Happily, the garages are now blissfully cleaned out and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now, if I can sell about half my possessions in an estate sale I will really be ready to downsize.  Then all I'll need to do is sell the house (picky detail).

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