Sunday, May 10, 2015

naming a car

Who knew naming my new car would be such a challenge?  People in my family seem to like to name cars.  My grandchildren named my last car Belle and that seemed like a good name so it stuck.  My daughter has a 2013 dark green Fiat which she calls Ivy.  Suggested names for my new blue Fiat have included Iris, Blue Belle, Bleu, Happiness (as in Blue Bird of...) Cobalt, Bob, Bruce, Indigo, Berry, Delphinium and many more.  A friend who visited this weekend kept referring to it as Clyde, and while it does feel like a masculine car, I will not call my car Clyde. A girl in a TV commercial calls her car Brad, but that car ends up getting totaled so that's no good.   I shall continue to ponder this less than compelling problem, and welcome any suggestions. Perhaps I should offer a prize for the winner.

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