Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Scotland calling

About four years ago my cruise buddies and I took a cruise around the British Isles with multiple stops in each country. I enjoyed it all but came away thinking that I would really like to go back and spend more time in Scotland.  No specific reason.  I just liked the friendly feel of the place.  Plus, I can't help but appreciate a country that makes the purple thistle a dominant part of their flower gardens instead of wasting hours rooting it out as I do.  I think they have the right idea.  I'm also pretty sure it's their national flower, but not positive.
Now I may have a chance to go back again.  Our Presbyterian church is putting together a trip to Scotland in July of 2016.  It will be a bus tour including lots of scenery, cathedrals, ruins and castles - all things I love to visit - with an emphasis on our Presbyterian/Reformed history.
Sounds good to me, now all I need to do is find 24 more eager travelers because they won't take the trip unless we have at least 25 people committed to the trip by the end of this July.  I only have 2, sometimes 3 cruise buddies and none of them are Presbyterians so it may be a hard sell.  Perhaps I should remind them of the excellent Guiness we enjoyed last time.

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