Thursday, February 10, 2022

a cozy day

Today is National Cream Cheese Brownie Day and also National Flannel Day.  Doesn't that sound like the coziest day ever?  I have never had a cream cheese brownie but it does sound delicious.  I'm trying to keep track of special days involving chocolate and I think we're up to 12 now and it's only February.  Of course chocolate is a basic food group, but there aren't nearly as many days celebrating vegetables or fresh fruit (except maybe chocolate covered strawberries).  Flannel isn't celebrated nearly so often but it is great stuff.  My earliest memory of flannel is a pair of jeans lined with plaid flannel that I wore when I was about eight years old.  The cuffs were turned up so the plaid flannel showed, very cute.  Many years later, when I spent Christmas in the country with my west coast brother and family they gave me, as a Christmas gift, a pair of jeans lined with soft, dark green flannel.  Not quite as jazzy as plaid, but oh so comfy on cold winter days.  Hooray for flannel, definitely something to be celebrated.

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