Sunday, February 27, 2022

It starts with a riddle

 Yesterday my west coast brother posed this riddle:  If five cats can catch five mice in five minutes, how long will it take one cat to catch one mouse?  I'm sure you've deduced the answer but there's more to the story.  After posing this riddle, which my brother had sent on behalf of his cat Ace, he texted me that Ace had delivered a four minute mouse to the family doorstep.  Cats do like to share.  They live in the country, so mice are in ample supply.  We decided, in continued text exchanges, that Ace is probably in training, inspired by the Olympics, for the Mouseathalon, a dual event which consists of catching mice and napping.  From everything I've heard, Ace is a contender. But enough about the Olympics.  I'll leave you with another riddle (also provided by my west coast brother).  How do you keep Canadian Bacon slices from curling when you cook them?  Take away their little tiny brooms.   

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