Monday, February 28, 2022

does chocolate cause dysania?

 Today is Global Scouse Day and also National Chocolate Souffle Day.  Which brings us to, I believe, seventeen days celebrating one form or another of chocolate so far this year.  Scouse I have discovered by intense research (I googled it) is basically stew made with lamb and beef and is evidently very popular in Liverpool, although it originated in eastern Europe.  So there you have it.  If you're in the mood to celebrate food those are your choices.  Please pass the chocolate souffle. On to a different subject.  I learned a nifty new word today.  Dysania means a reluctance to get out of bed in the morning.  So now, when you hit the snooze alarm or don't set an alarm at all but still feel the need to roll over and go back to sleep in the morning, you can tell yourself and others that you are suffering from Dysania.  Throw a word like that around and you'll get all kinds of sympathy.  

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