Tuesday, February 1, 2022

What goes around???

 I had a funny thought on the way home from rehearsal this evening. First, I'm happy to report, it had just started to drizzle when I got home at 10:30pm so I'm home safely before the big snow hits.  But back to the thought - funny or curious??  As I turned on to Lafayette Street (my apartment is on the corner of Lafayette and Superior) I remembered that when my parents and I (I was a baby of course) moved back to Fort Wayne after WWII, our first home was an upstairs apartment in a big house on Lafayette Street.  Now, I have lived several places over the last many years and traveled to many others, but isn't it interesting that, after all these years, here I am back on Lafayette Street?  There's no real point to this reflection, it's just one of those things that makes me say "hmmmm??"

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