Monday, January 31, 2022

snow days

 Do you remember the thrill of snow days / schools closed when you were a kid?  These days the children end up with e-learning days which probably aren't nearly as exciting. But it was fun back in the day.  Tonight I had a similar, almost as exciting, experience.  You may have seen a recent weather report, predicting quite a bit of snow coming our way on Wednesday and Thursday.  I was all set to start making excuses to the director this evening about not being able to drive in bad weather, when he announced that we are moving back opening night for a week, allowing us to make up a couple of dress rehearsals that we will probably miss this week because of the snow. While I know this snow will be a big problem to a lot of people, I'm having a fun flashback and enjoying the idea of a little bit of time off.    

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