Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Communication mystery

I just found out this evening that I have a new grandpuppy named Perry. Since my daughter and her family already have two large, excellent dogs I'm not sure why they decided to rescue another one but I know that Perry has landed in a very good place.  I will get to meet him next week. But my communication puzzle is this. When my daughter told me about the new puppy I asked her to email a picture to me. She said she would, but after some time had passed and no picture showed up I discovered that my internet connection was down.  I corrected that problem, then double checked with my daughter to be sure she sent it to the correct email address. She assured me she did so here's the mystery - I have received emails from other sources this evening, but no cute puppy pictures. I even checked my promotions tab and social tab to see if the pictures (she told me there were two) had gotten misdirected for some reason. I discovered through face book that it's the birthday of someone I never heard of, and on my promotions page Sears is telling me that I need to renew an appliance warrenty on an appliance I haven't owned for two years, but still no puppy pictures. Ah well, perhaps tomorrow, or perhaps those puppy pictures are floating around in the cloud somewhere. Oh yes, the cloud, another mystery for sure.

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