Monday, May 8, 2017

positive attitude

I received a letter today from a former classmate who will not be able to attend our 55 year class reunion on June 3. We had corresponded by email. Actually his wife and I corresponded because he has lost almost all of his sight over the last two years. I had ssid I would be glad to read the letter to the reunion attendees but was dreading what might be a very sad letter. However, his letter was full of happy news. He and his wife gave up their home in Kentucky because they couldn't take care of the property anymore and moved to a retirement community in Florida. Happily, it sounds like they have settled in a great place, where, among other things, they go line dancing almost every Friday and Saturday night. His best line in the letter "You don't need to see to be able to dance."  I do appreciate a positive attitude.

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