Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How long does it take to get a facelift?

Well, it's crunch time again.  My high school class will be celebrating our 55 year reunion this Saturday. I use the term celebrating deliberately. I figure if we're alive, we're celebrating.  Now I've known for a while that this evening was coming, I helped plan it after all, but suddenly, with four days to go, I'm starting to think of all the things I should have done. Why didn't I exercise more? Why didn't I have a facelift? Well, I know the answer to that one. When I contemplate a face lift, I realize that to be effective, I would need to have a full body lift and where would all that excess, wrinkly skin go? Too late for that so I will go with plan B - ignore my mirror, smile a lot, and ask the restaurant to turn the lights way down low. Although it occurs to me that since our dinner is starting at 5:00pm (we are senior citizens after all) there will probably be an abundance of bright, natural light. Ah well, if nothing else I'll make everyone else feel better. They can go home thinking "Well, at leas I don't look as old as she does."

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