Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I was conned...

or scammed or whatever you want to call it.  It's embarrassing to admit but it happened to me. When I got off the plane on my recent flight to Seattle, late Thursdsy night, I asked the wrong person for directions and ended up having my suitcase stolen. It was a brand new suitcase filled with a lot of new and nearly new clothes because I was there to attend my nephew's wedding. I finished tallying up the list of things I lost today so I could submit it to my insurance company and the total came to over $1700. It's kind of sickening to realize how much clothing and jewelry cost. I must say here that the officers from the Port of Seattle Police Department who responded to my 911 call where extremely kind and helpful. So were the manager and desk clerk at a nearby Red Lion Inn who offered me a place to wait for the police, gave me coffee and a emergency bag filled with toothpaste, toothbrush, comb and deoderant, and called a cab for me when I was ready to head for the hotel where I was registered. By then it was about 2:30am. My own version of 'sleepless' in Seattle. The net day I attended the morning rehearsal and the rehearsal lunch in the same clothes I had worn to travel, without makeup, even. Great way to make a good first impression on my new niece. From there it got much better. After the lunch my brother and sister-in-law took me shopping for a suitable dress for the wedding and other necessities. The next day, the morning of the wedding, I asked my sister-in-law if she had any nail polish remover. She passed that request on to her sister (we were all in a block of rooms in the same hotel) and, since she had a full compliment of manicure supplies, that simple request turned into a fun maincure party on the patio with lots of family passing in and out. What started out as a fairly miserable welcome to Seattle turned into a delightful weekend. The wedding was beautiful and I like my nw niece very much.
Monday when I got home I had a call from a detective for the Port of Seattle PD who has been asssigned to my case. I don't think there's much chance of getting any of my property back but it's good to know they are working on it. It also looks like my insurance comapany will cover at least oart of the loss. Bottom line, everyone I've worked with on this situation ahs been kind and supportive and restored my faith in humanity.

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