Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Manchester tragedy

I feel so bad for the families of those killed and wounded in the recent terrorist attack in Manchester. It seems like a far away event that doesn't really impact me, and it doesn't on a purely personal level, until I remember that I will be in Great Britain in September. The event also hits home because my oldest granddaughter (almost 15) and a friend went to a K-Pop concert in Chicago a couple of weeks ago at a large venue there. Weird and wicked things can happen anywhere these days. I do think it's wonderful though, how horrible situations like this tend to bring out the best in most people. If terrorists think that their attacks will destroy a ommunity, or whole country, they are sadly mistaken. The basic impulse after an event like this for most people seems to be to help, not hide, and to come together for mutual support.  I'm not a big fan of our president but in this csse I think he has it right. People who will randomly kill and wound don't deserve a title like "terrorist".  They are really just losers.

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