Friday, May 12, 2017

Shopping woes

I decided to go shopping at the mall today.  I'm attending a nephew's wedding next weekend and thought it would be nice to have a new pair of dress pants (my granddaughter assures me they are not called slacks anymore) and maybe a skirt if I found something I liked. Let me tell you right now, the stores at the mall do not cater to 72 year old ladies, at least not this one. I like the tops of my pants to come up to my natural waist, not hang on my hips somewhere around my navel. Good luck with that. Also, while I thought some of the lacy blouses I saw were cute I couldn't imagine wearing them to a wedding, or anywhere else for that matter, with jeans that are pre-torn, and in some cases (if they're really expensive) pre-muddied. I'm an equal opportunity shopper so I strolled through Macy's, JC Penney's. Carson's and Sears, plus a few other little shops. Pant lengths are interesting too. They are either too short or so long that they drag on the floor. Still not the style I'm looking for. I did spot one nice looking navy blue pencil skirt at Sears. Knee length, natural waist, but it had a split up the middle of the front that went a bit higher than seemed decent to me. I did see some short skirts, like the mini skirts were wore 50 years ago. Sadly, my legs are not mini skirt eligible any more. I want to enjoy this wedding not repel people. So, after roaming the mall for a few hours, with a Starbuck's break, I did what any self respecting grandma-type would do. No, I did not rush home and pull out my sewing machine. I did rush home and pulled out my laptop. 15 minutes later I had found what I wanted and ordered it on line. Interestingly, I had heard a report on the morning news today, saying that retail stores aren't doing very well financially.  More and more people are buying on line. Now I understand.

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