Monday, May 1, 2017

I can be flexible, sort of.

I am, I admit it, a creature of habit. I like to have a certain amount of regular routine in my life. For example I do my laundry on Monday mornings, mainly because I don't have meetings or anything else on Mondays and the laundry room is usually deserted on Monday mornings. Today, I woke up with my day planned out, laundry in the morning, pick up my granddaughter from school in the afternoon and then a quick trip to the grocery store. Simple right? So I loaded my sheets and towels into my nifty cart and headed down to the laundry room. It was empty, as I anticipated but there was also a note on the door. It said that all of the washers were disconnected because a major water line had broken and they were working on repairs. The sign said we could use the dryers, which didn't seem very practical since I couldn't wash anything. The sign also suggested that I could use the laundry room in the other building but I really didn't want to drag my laundry over there. So, what to do. I came back up to my apartment feeling frustrated and perplexed.  What to do? It finally dawned on me (I can be flexible, it just takes a while) that I could flip my planned schedule for the day and go to the grocery store first and so I did, and, hooray, hooray, by the time I got home in the afternoon after taking my granddaughter home from school, the plumbing repairs had been made and I did get my laundry done today which is good. I do like my routine, even if it only works for one day a week.

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