Saturday, May 13, 2017

Lyndsay's Allen County Twirlers

This evening I attended my granddaughter's baton recital. This is her 5th year taking baton lessons from Miss Lyndsay. No flaming batons yet, thank goodness, but she and two friends did a special number which was very good. It was fun watching my granddaughter perform and interesting to see how far her group has come compared to the little first and second year girls. On the down side after two and a half hours of watching girls twirl batons, dance and shake pom poms the bleacher seats at Carroll High School were getting very, very hard. On the bright side, the best perfomance of the evening by far was by a young lady who had gone through the baton school here for several years and is now in her second year on the baton squad at Purdue. Who knew Purdue even had a baton squad? She was very, very good and gave all of the little girls quite a thrill, and some of the dads also I suspect.

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