Sunday, May 7, 2017

Hot German Potato Salad

I like to try out new recipes when I have company. Probably not the best idea, but it almost always works out OK. This evening I had a small group of church ladies over. It was my first time to host the monthly meeting and my responsibility to provide the main course for supper. Others brought salad and desert. I've been hungering for hot German potato salad for a few weeks - who knows why - and this seemed like a good chance to make some. I used a recipe taht sounded good from an old cookbook of my mother's. When I entertain I like to do as much food prep ahead of time as possible so I spent yesterday afternoon boiling potatoes, frying bacon, chopping onions and celery and generally making a big mess of my kitchen. Spattered bacon grease all over everywhere. But the clean up was well worth it. Today I popped that salad into the oven in time to be warmed through for supper and it tasted great, at least to me. Everyone at the table said it was good and some even took seconds and thirds which is the real test. Now I just need ot figure out what to do with the leftovers. Ah, well.  I'm sure I'll deal with it somehow.  It seems that hot German potato salad is also really good cold, who knew?

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