Monday, May 22, 2017

Sunny Seattle

I have just returned from a long weekemd in Seattle. My brother's oldest son got maried and the whole affair was a huge success. The bride was glowing, the groom obviously besotted. They obviously had fun planning this wedding. The traditional touches - flower girl, ring bearer, bride's maids, groom's men, all played their parts with perfect decorum. The singer and chellist were both excellent. A fun high point came when the groom dipped the bride as he gave her a more exuberant than usual kiss at the end of the service. They also gave a fine exhibition of swing dancing for their first dance. While Seattle is traditionally rainy, it was warm and sunny every day that I was there. Perfect wedding weather. It was also great to spend time with my youngest brother (the father of the groom) and all his wonderful etended family. All in all it was a perfect weekend except for that pesky part where my suitcase got stolen

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