Thursday, July 13, 2017

Happy Anniversary

Today is my anniversary. My husband and I would have been married 49 years today if he hadn't died 11 years ago. I'm not being maudlin. Even though we didn't quite make it to our 38th anniversary I still have many happy memories of those years we did celebrate together. Since we traveled every summer, most of my anniversayr memories are associated with trips we took.  I remember one memorble summer before children when we met up with firends on the East coasr to spend a week camping and visiting historic sites. We visited Plymouth Rock, searched for red thread in Hingham and paddled canoes by moomlight. One of my fond memories from that trip was watching my husband and my friend's husband put up a tent. This was not a modern twist, pop and you have a dome type tent.  No, this was a big, heavy army type tent that I think my friend's husband had used in the boy scouts. As I recall I actually filmed the process. Sadly, that home movie is lost in the mists of time. Ah well, perhaps it's better to just remember.

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