Thursday, July 20, 2017

I may be slow....

but I do get there eventually.  I will readily admit that I am still a 20th century person. I approach technology with some caution. I have had to learn to do variousl processes on the computer because of previous jobs but it has taken me longer to appreciate my phone.  I clung to my flip phone for far longer than I should have, but, once I got my new phone I began to adapt.  I don't think my cell phone fits the definition of "smart phone" but it's clever enough for me.  I learned to love texting much more than I ever thought I would and have taken countless (well hundreds of) pictures with the built in camera. Occassionaly I even use it for phone calls. Lately I've taught myself two new tricks. A couple of months ago I decided to figure out how to set the alarm on my phone. Well that was easy. Today, are you ready for this?  I figured out how to use the calendar app. I'm not sure. Is it an app or a feature?  Anyway' like the alarm, it was easy, once I took the time to figure it out.  I think perhaps I'm reluctant to try these things because I remember old computer systems that were much mre complicated. Anyway, that's one more small step. If you catch a reference there to a famous walk on the moon that happened on this date 48 years ago that was deliberate. And speaking of technology, in July of 1969 my husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary by buying our first color TV, the better to watch Armstrong's walk on the moon. Of course, the moon shots all looked black and white, not mcuh color up there, but that TV was great for watching Saturday morning cartoons - the best color on TV at that time.

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