Sunday, July 30, 2017

Obviously poor planning

Yesterday was "National Lasagna Day" and I ended up eating seafood at Paula's. Delicious of course but no way to celebrate the day. Today was "National Cheesecake Day" and I celebrated with a chocolate shake at Arby's.  Obviously poor planning again.  I heard on YV that The restaurant The Cheesecake Factory was giving away free pieces of cheesecake and that raises a question in my mind. In the city of Fort Wayne we have approximatelt one restaurant to every two people. that might be a slight exaggeration but we do have a lot of reataurants, most of them really good. So why, in this city where eating out is obviously one of our very fvorite activities why don't we have a Cheesecake Factory? It seems to me it would be a fine addition to our dining choices. Perhaps I should start a petition.

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