Sunday, July 9, 2017

My favorite thing?

If not my very favorite ( I am fond of breathing), eating is certainly one of my favorite activities, especially when it;s indulged in with friends or family. Earlier this week I enjoyed a lovely dinner at my son's home and yesterday and today I shared meals in yummy restaurants with five close friends. Last night it was Don Hall's Gas House (always a favorite) and this morning we brunched at the Sunrise Cafe. Apart from the easy flowing converswation and comfortable silences I also enjoy being waited on, having my food brought to me ready to eat and knowing I don't have to do the dishes after. Eating is an activity that you can do sitting down (in Roman days they even reclined) with no expectation that you will exert more effort than it takes to cut meat and lift a fork to your mouth. Is there any wonder that I find this activity (or inactivity) so appealing? It definitly suits my lazy personality. Too bad I can't afford a live in chef.

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