Friday, July 28, 2017

Happy trails to you

I attended the Fort Wayne Children's Choir summer concert this evening.  One of my granddaughters is in the group's Concert Choir and also played chimes. It was great to see her perform as part of the large group (300 plus when all of the choirs sang together) and to realize how far she has come in the last five years. Of course I always enjoy any of my grandchildren's musical performances but tonight was especially fun. The theme this year was The Wild, Wild West and they sang Red River Valley, The Wells Fargo Wagon, O! Susannah and many more old familiar tunes ending with Happy Trails to You.  Now that brought back some memories for sure. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, on radio, later on TV always signing off singing Happy Trails to You. I couldn't help wondering though how much today's youth know about cowboys. Do they play cowboys and Indians (sorry, I know that's not PC but that's what we called it)?  We used to spin out fantastic adventures using our cap guns and bows and arrows. Ah sweet memories. By the way I usually played the Indian princess, one of the perks of being the oldes and the only girl.

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